Nobel Quran - English Translation
1. Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth glorifies ALLAH. HIS is the Kingdom and HIS is the praise, and HE has power over all things.
2. It is HE Who has created you, but some of you are disbelievers and some of you are believers. And ALLAH sees what you do.
3. HE created the heavens and the earth with an eternal purpose and HE gave you shape and made your shapes beautiful, and to HIM is the ultimate return.
4. HE knows whatever is in the heavens and the earth, and HE knows what you hide and what you disclose; and ALLAH knows full well all that which is hidden in the breasts.
5. Has there not come to you the account of those who disbelieved before ? They tasted the evil consequences of their conduct, and for them is decreed painful punishment.
6. That was because their Messengers came to them with manifest Signs, but they said, `Shall mere mortals guide us ?' So they disbelieved and turned away, but ALLAH had no need of them; And ALLAH is Self-Sufficient, Worthy of all praise.
7. Those who disbelieve think that they will not be raised up. Say, `Yea, by my Lord, you shall, surely, be raised up; then you shall, certainly, be informed of what you did. And that is easy for ALLAH.'
8. Believe, therefore, in ALLAH and HIS Messenger, and in the Light which WE have sent down. And ALLAH is Well-Aware of all that you do.
9. The day when HE shall gather you for the Day of Gathering; that will be the day of the determination of losses and gains. And whoso believes in ALLAH and acts righteously - HE will remove from them the evil consequences of their deeds, and HE will admit them into Gardens through which streams flow, to abide therein for ever. That is the supreme achievement.