Nobel Quran - English Translation
50. And Our command is carried out by only one Word as the twinkling of an eye.
51. And, indeed, WE have destroyed people like you before. But is there anyone who will take heed ?
52. And everything they have done is recorded in the Books.
53. And every matter, small and great, is written down.
54. Verily, the righteous will be in the midst of Gardens and streams,
55. In an internal and honoured abode in the presence of the Omnipotent King.
1. The Gracious God.
2. HE taught the Qur'an.
3. HE created man,
4. And taught him plain speech.
5. The sun and the moon run their courses according to a fixed reckoning.
6. And the stemless plants and the trees humbly submit to HIS Will.
7. And the heaven HE has raised high and set up the measure,
8. That you may not exceed the measure.
9. So weigh all things with justice and fall not short of the measure.
10. And HE has set the earth for HIS creatures;
11. Therein are all kinds of fruit and palm-tree with sheaths,
12. And grain with its husk and fragrant plants.
13. Which, then, of the favours of your Lord will ye twain, O men and jinn, deny ?
14. He created man of dry ringing clay which is like baked pottery.
15. And the jinn HE created of the flame of Fire.
16. Which, then, of the favours of your Lord will ye twain, deny ?