Nobel Quran - English Translation
1. Kaf Ha Ya 'Ain Sad.
2. This is an account of the mercy of thy Lord shown to HIS servant Zachariah,
3. When he called upon his Lord in a low voice.
4. He said, `My Lord, my bones have indeed become feeble and my head is all aflame with hoariness but never, my Lord, have I been unblessed in my prayer to Thee;
5. `And I fear my relations after me, and my wife is barren. So grant me from Thyself a successor,
6. `To be my heir and the heir of the blessings of the House of Jacob. And make him, my Lord, well-pleasing to Thee.'
7. God said, `O Zachariah, WE give thee glad tidings of a son whose name shall be Yahya. We have not called any one before him by that name.'
8. He said, `My Lord, how shall I have a son when my wife is barren, and I have reached the extreme limit of old age ?
9. The angel bearing the revelation said, `So shall it be.' But thy Lord says, `It is easy for ME, and indeed I created thee before, when thou wast nothing.'
10. Zachariah said, `My Lord appoint for me a commandment.' God said, `The commandment for thee is that thou shalt not speak to the people for three successive days and nights.'
11. Then he came forth unto his people from the chamber and asked them in a low voice to glorify GOD morning and evening.